Twin Flame Guidance and Healing
This FREE MASTERCLASS will take place on Thursday, February 8, 2024
Understand and Heal Codependency
While Building Self-Confidence
Hosted by Eschine Orcel
Whether you are on a twin flame journey, or you're simply looking to have a greater understanding and connection with yourself, your journey is about self-discovery and experiencing a greater connection with yourself, your emotions, and to heal from having insecurities, fears and doubts.
During this 90-minute masterclass, you will:
Understand what is codependency and how it developed.
Receive techniques to break down fears and doubts which leads to copendency behaviors that pushes away love.
Discover how to end the waiting game on your twin flame journey and experience oneness and more joy in your journey, instead.
Work towards healing your nervous system so you can experience emotional regulation in response to feeling triggered.
Learn how to stop stop people pleasing and establish healthier connections with others in which you feel seen, heard, and understood.
Cultivate self-acceptance, self-love and self-compassion.
You relationship with others, including your twin flame, is a reflection of yourself. To bring about change in your dynamic, start by cultivating harmony and balance within yourself.
You will gain valuable insights into yourself and learn how to break free from past traumas, fears, and insecurities.
Our mission is to help individuals achieve their full potential and live fulfilling lives. Through self-reflection, goal setting, and practical techniques, we empower you to take control of your life and become the best version of yourself.